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Gereageerd door NiMS op :
Maandag zijn in Nederland door verschillende mensen UFO's gezien. In Dordrecht nam een 26-jarige student met zijn vriendin een onverklaarbaar object waar. Er was een zeer heldere lucht en er waren geen wolken te bekennen. De man liep met zijn vriendin door het Wantijpark, toen hij plotseling een object waarnam.

"Ik liep in het park met iemand naast mij, en we kwamen bij een open vlakte aan, die omgeven is door bomen. Ik keek naar de heldere lucht en zag zeer duidelijk een object. Ik dacht eerst dat het een helicopter was, maar het bewoog niet en er was geen geluid. Het bleef stilhangen. Ik zei tegen de persoon naast me, 'Kijk... een UFO!' waarop ze in de lucht keek, maar naar de verkeerde kant. Ondertussen werd het object rood en het verdween in het niets, zonder sporen van condens. Het was helemaal weg. Ik bleef verwonderd staan en vroeg aan de persoon naast me of ze echt niets gezien had. 'Nee...' zei ze. Ik ging even aan mijzelf twijfelen, maar nee, 'Ik wist wat ik had gezien!'", aldus de man.

De waarneming duurde ongeveer 1 minuut. De getuige nam vanuit een waarnemingshoek van 70 graden een ovaal-rond metaalachtig object waar, dat stationair in de lucht hing. Het was grijs/metaalachtig van kleur. Het object bevond zich volgens de man op een afstand van ongeveer 700m en een hoogte van zo'n 750m. De getuige denkt dat het object zo groot als een helicopter geweest moet zijn. Het object veranderde in een rood-oranje vuurgloed, waarna het in het niets verdween. In de buurt van de plek waar de waarnemer het object zag, waren volgens hem condenssporen te zien van vliegtuigen of straaljagers. Er was volgens hem geen geluid afkomstig van het object.

Ook vanuit Urk kwamen er diverse meldingen van een ongeďdentificeerd vliegend object. Deze werd gezien boven het IJsselmeer. Een 42-jarige inwoner zag maandag omstreeks 20:35 bij de visafslag een UFO. Het was een heldere avond, en het vroor.

"De UFO was duidelijk te zien boven het IJsselmeer, bij de ingang van de haven. Dit is een drukke plek, heel waarschijnlijk zagen veel meer mensen deze UFO. Mogelijk zijn er ook foto's c.q. video-opnames gemaakt. Het object straalde een enorm fel licht uit wat een gloed naliet op het water. Van tijd tot tijd veranderde kleur van het licht. Uiteindelijk nam het het hele kleurenspectrum aan. De vorm van het object was, ondanks het felle licht, vrij duidelijk. Het object was donut-vormig. Toen het object bewoog kon ik zelfs sterren door het gat heen zien. Het maakte een licht, haast statisch geluid, wat overkwam als een soort gezoem. Ik meen dat het object iets liet vallen in het water, hier ben ik echter niet zeker van. Het object schoot snel weg in de ruimte. Ik neem aan dat andere mensen wellicht melding hebben gedaan bij andere instanties", aldus de Urkenaar.

De getuige nam een donut-vormig object waar, dat 50 meter breed en diep was, en ongeveer 20 meter hoog. Het object nam zowat alle kleuren van het spectrum aan. Het object werd onder een waarnemingshoek van 20 tot 70 graden waargenomen. Het bevond zich op een afstand van ongeveer 25m en een hoogte van zo'n 35m. Het object schoot uiteindelijk vloeiend en met hoge snelheid de ruimte in. De totale duur van de waarneming was volgens de man 90 minuten.
Na de waarneming zei de getuige last te hebben van geďrriteerde ogen en hij had een tintelend gevoel over heel zijn lichaam. Er waren geen electronische bij- of nawerkingen. Alles leek nog goed te werken, lantaarnpalen, auto's etc.

Andere getuigen, Een 31-jarige sociaal medewerker uit Urk en zijn broer, namen rond 20:45 de UFO waar boven het IJsselmeer. "Ik stond op de dijk met uitkijk op het meer. Ik stond te vissen naar paling op de dijk en toen zag ik een lichtbol. Het object was fel licht (wit) en nam later warme kleuren aan (rood, geel, groen in ieder geval). Het object moet ongeveer 70 minuten aan de hemel gestaan hebben. Ik ben ondertussen nog naar huis gerend om me broer te halen... Dat duurde zo'n 5 minuten. Toen wij terug kwamen op de dijk was het object nog steeds te zien. Ik heb het niet zien aankomen maar het verdween naar boven, richting de hemel; Het schoot weg naar boven. Het bewoog zich vloeiend voort toen het verdween. Mijn ogen tintelden na afloop.", aldus de getuige.

De getuige nam een ronde schijf waar. De grootte kan de getuige moeilijk inschatten, maar hij schat dat het ongeveer 40 meter of breder was. Hij schatte de grootte in door het te vergelijken met de visafslag. De getuige nam het object waar onder een waarnemingshoek van 30 graden. Het object bevond zich op een afstand van 100m en een hoogte van 35m. De UFO schoot bewoog zich erg snel en vloeiend voort toen het 'naar boven schoot'. De duur van de waarneming was maar liefst 70 minuten. Er deden zich geen electronische bij- of nawerkingen voor; "Ik had niet zoveel spullen bij me, afgezien van mijn visuitrusting."

"Ik hoop dat ik alles zo goed mogelijk heb beschreven. Het object was in ieder geval iets wat ik nog nooit in mijn 31-jarige leven heb gezien. Mijn broer kon het ook niet uitleggen. Ik neem aan dat er wel meer mensen het object gezien moeten hebben," aldus de getuige. Wellicht worden de UFO's vandaag opnieuw gezien. Waarnemingen kunnen hier gemeld worden. De meldingen zullen door professionele instanties behandeld worden. Foto's en video's zijn volgens de instanties belangrijk om toe te voegen.

De getuigen zijn allen onbekend van elkaar. De case zal door UFO Werkgroep, MUFON, en andere instanties verder onderzocht worden.

Vergelijking in UFO-archieven kan er op wijzen dat de UFO die door verschillende Urkers bij de visafslag in Urk gezien is, mogelijk dezelfde is als die de Mexicaan Carlos Diaz van 1981 tot op heden fotografeerde en contact mee zei te hebben. Dit is uit eigen onderzoek gebleken.

Een 42-jarige Urker nam rond 20:35 een donut-vormige UFO waar bij de visafslag in Urk. Het object was volgens hem donutvormig en straalde kleuren uit van het hele kleurenspectrum. De UFO was volgens hem zo'n 50 meter breed, en maakte een zoemend geluid. Een andere 31-jarige Urker en zijn broer nam het object ook waar, maar zij stonden ergens anders. Hij zag het vanaf de dijk met uitkijk op het meer. Toen hij het zag riep hij zijn broer, die het object ook zag. De beschrijving van deze Urker komt overeen met de 42-jarige Urker.

De beschrijving van de Urkers lijkt zeer overeen te komen met de plasma-schepen die de Mexicaan Carlos Diaz sinds 1981 fotografeerde. Hij heeft naar eigen zeggen contact gehad met de buitenaardsen, en heeft de UFO's veelvuldig gefotografeerd. De UFO's waren donutvormig en straalden alle kleuren van het kleurenspectrum uit. Ze maakten een zoemend geluid. Foto's en een uitgebreider verhaal zijn o.a. hier en hier te lezen. http://hesemann.watchers.ca/shipsoflight.html http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/cosmiccarlos.htm

Carlos Diaz' foto's zijn zeer grondig geanalyseerd. De Mexicaanse ufoloog Jaime Maussan gaf de originele filmnegatieven aan Victor Quesada van de Polytechnical Institute van de Universiteit van Mexico voor onderzoek. Quesada zegt: "We zijn geschokt. Het spectrum van het licht van het object was iets wat we nog nooit eerder hebben gezien. Het doorbrak alle voorgaande parameters en kwam niet overeen met wat dan ook in onze databanken. Het licht was zeer intens. Er was geen bewijs van superimpositie of een hoax. We schatten dat het object zo'n 30 tot 50 meter in diameter is". Interessant genoeg werden de foto's ook door Dr. Robert Nathan van NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Californië geanalyseerd. Nathan, die een overtuigd scepticus is, kon ook geen bewijs van bedrog vinden.

Of de Urkers werkelijk hetzelfde object gezien hebben, is niet bekend. Indien meer Urkers of Nederlanders het object gezien hebben, kunnen ze dit (anoniem) melden.
Gereageerd door NiMS op :
According to experts it is the best documented UFO contact case in the history of the phenomenon. With certainty it is the most carefully investigated extraterrestrial encounter. 20 years after the first experience of the Mexican Carlos Diaz and ten years after his first step into the public, researchers now present their results in a two-part video documentation.

In the early hours of March 23, 1981 Carlos Diaz, a young photographer from Mexico City, drove into the Ajusco National Forest in the "zona vulcanica" south of the capital. A magazine had commissioned him to take pictures of a sunrise in the mountains, and for this he has chosen a well-known vantage point. He parked his car, waited for the sun to dawn. Suddenly he saw an orange light shining up from the slope in front of him. First he thought it was a fire, but then he recognized a yellow-orange dome. It was a UFO! Immediately he grabbed his camera, shot a first photo, when the disc was just facing him. In this moment, the engine of his car went off. Diaz shot his second picture before he jumped out of the car, just to see and photograph how the disc was shooting off with high speed.

When he got the photos back from the lab the same afternoon, Diaz knew that he did not dream. This experience never let him off. As often as possible he returned to the Ajusco National Park. But only two and a half month later, on a rainy day, he saw the orange glow again, this time coming from the top of a hill. He parked his car, climbed up the muddy volcanic rocks, when he eventually saw the object hovering in front of him. Deeply moved by what he saw, he suddenly felt someone touching his shoulder. In the same moment he fainted. When he recovered, the rain had stopped and the object had disappeared. Completely bewildered, he climbed down the hill, back to his car…

In the following month, Diaz started to remember step by step what had happened to him during that "missing time". More than that, a friendly contact developed between him and the pilots of these mysterious "Ships of Light". Carlos decided to move into the valley of Tepoztlan, 40 miles south of Mexico City, where these objects were seen since man can remember. He was able to take several more spectacular photos. And he had further encounters which taught him why these beings come to this planet and how worried they are about all life, all living beings on Earth.

Ten years later, the sun was darkened over Mexico. During the eclipse of July 11, 1991 thousands of witnesses saw strange craft in the skies. The prominent TV anchorman Jaime Maussan investigated the sightings, commissioned a scientific analysis of UFO footage. Carlos felt that the moment has come to go public with his experience. He contacted Maussan who was deeply impressed by the quality of his photos. More than that, he tried an experiment. He gave Carlos, who could not afford one, a video camera. He was not disappointed. Only three days later, Carlos presented him the first film. Three more followed within the next five month. They all show the same "Ship of Light" which was also on his photos, in breathtaking maneuvers over the valley of Tepoztlan. One time it came so low that it filled the whole frame of the camera.

Maussan commissioned the first scientific analysis of the Diaz material. The study was performed by Prof. Victor Quesada, who teaches informatics at the Polytechnical Institute of the University of Mexico. Prof. Quesada analysed the photos and films in his laboratory, frame by frame, using different methods: a study of the definition and resolution, an analysis if the intensity of fields and colors and changes in the spectrum of light from ultraviolet to infrared. He eventually concluded that Diaz had filmed two types of objects – a smaller one with a diameter of 36-45 feet and the bigger ones with an diameter of about 120 feet.

Quesada was so impressed by the material, that in 1993 he decided to start a field investigation. Together with 10 professors of his university and 20 students he set up several observation posts on the mountains around the Valley of Tepoztlan. And indeed the team saw and filmed strange luminous objects by themselves. One night, an object nearly landed next to the camp. The students panicked, run away. Three of them tumbled and injured themselves. Prof. Quesada had to cease the project. Better evidence for UFO sightings in the valley of Tepoztlan, he thought, was impossible to gain anyway.

Through the Italian stigmatist Giorgio Bongiovanni, the German historian, cultural anthropologist and UFO researcher Michael Hesemann learned about the case and decided to start an independent investigation. When he visited Tepoztlan the first time in June 1994, Hesemann was sure that, if the case was real, he would find further witnesses who must have seen these large luminous objects over their city at the times when Diaz took his films and photographs.

What he found was more than a pittoresque Mexican country town. Tepoztlan is located in a sacred valley of the Aztecs, the great native Mexican culture. Its huge stone formations were considered monuments of an antediluvian culture of Giants and vortexes of cosmic energy. The Aztec priests worshipped the rock of life, the rocks of the dwarfs, the Hill of Man, thought to be an portrait of the prehistoric demigod Tepoztecatl, the son of the divine Quetzalcoatl, Herkules-like with his mighty beard and club. Next to it, on a ridge, the Aztecs built their only pyramid located on top of a mountain. It was called the "teo-calli", the "House of Energy", in their language Nauatl. Here, history says, the Emperor Motecuhzoma came to meditate and find peace after his military campaigns. Next to the temple stands a disc-shaped rock, like a huge, petrified spaceship. Many believe it was a symbol of those worshipped and met here by the priests and shamans of ancient times. We find to its right the Cerro de la Luz, the rock of the lights. From here, since man can remember, as the locals claim, strange lights emerged and crossed the sacred valley, sometimes flying in the direction of the mighty Vulcano Popocatepetl which rises to the East. Their paths were marked by ancient temples, later replaced with Churches by the Spaniards.

In the ex-convent of Tepoztlan, next to the main Church of the town, Santa Maria Natividad, erected in 1530, Hesemann found murals showing strange orange-reddish objects in the skies – identical with those filmed and photographed by Diaz. Over its main gate a relief shows the sun, the moon and stars – and a "Ship of Light" of the "Diaz-type", barked at by a dog. Both, Tepoztlan elder Don Alberto Palacios, and ex-mayor Don Lazaro Rodriguez confirmed Hesemann, that these objects were seen "since ages", "since the time of Christ", over Tepoztlan.

The first step in Hesemanns investigation was to determine if independent eyewitnesses exist, if others saw what Diaz filmed so closely over their city. He just started to ask people on the streets and fields. The result of this inquiry convinced the researcher that indeed something strange is going on: More than half of the Tepoztekos, the citizens of Tepoztlan, claimed to have seen the very same orange-reddish ships of light. Asked for details, again and again they mentioned the same details, characteristic for the "Diaz-objects": "orange, red and yellow" in color, "round, disc-shaped, with a flat dome on top", "notches on their sides, like bitten out", "surrounded by lights", "pulsating in the center", "appear and disappear suddenly", "gliding, wobbling, up- and down movements". 21 eyewitnesses are interviewed in the video documentary "Ships of Light". If the poll, repeated twice by Hesemann (once in the presence of Prof. John E. Mack of the Harvard Medical School), is representative, it would mean that about 12.000 of the 20.000 inhabitants of Tepoztlan witnessed UFO sightings. The eyewitnesses came from all groups and levels of society: Farmhands and Bankers, Federal Employees, Artists, Physicians and a Catholic Nun. An impressive, unique testimony, confirmed by the Mayor of Tepoztlan in front of Hesemann´s camera: "Although I am a doubting Thomas, this is credible. Many people have seen these objects at different opportunities in different parts of Tepoztlan. They appear within a second, hover in the sky and disappear again. They look like on the photos and films, and this proves they are real.

I had several sightings by my own."

Hesemann decided to inquire of these objects were recorded on radar, too. For this purpose, he interviewed the Air Traffic Controllers of the Benito Juarez International Airport of Mexico City, the largest airport of Central America. They invited Hesemann into the tower. During the three hours he spent there, four times UFOs were recorded on radar. The Air Traffic Controllers confirmed that their radar regularly detects unidentified targets over the area of Tepoztlan. These statements, as well as the unidentified radar targets, were recorded on film by the investigator.

But Hesemann only believed it when he saw one by himself in February 1996, when he drove one night from Tepoztlan back to Mexico City in a taxi. As the Air Traffic Controllers confirmed later, the object war recorded on radar and seen by two airline crews approaching the capital at the same time. Other researchers saw UFOs over Tepoztlan, too: The Italian sociologist Dr. Roberto Pinotti, the Swiss TV producer Guido Ferrari, the Australian Ex-Foreign Minister (Secretary of State) Andrew P. and Hollywood-Star Shirley M., which all observed orange colored craft, moving like the object on the Diaz-films.

Hesemann´s next step was a psychological evaluation of the main witness and his family dynamics. For this, in February 1997 he invited one of the most respected Psychiatrists of the world to Tepoztlan: Professor John E. Mack of the Harvard Medical School, who received the Pulitzer Price for his biography of Thomas Edward Lawrence and stunned the academic world with his open minded approach to the Alien Abduction phenomenon. For three days Prof. Mack carefully interviewed Carlos Diaz, his wife Margarita, his two sons Carlito and Alejandro and dozens of citizens of Tepoztlan, before he came to an assessment of the case. "He´s a credible witness", Mack concluded, "I found nothing which would let me think that he had made up his story or manipulated his photos or videos." The psychiatrist was especially impressed by the two young sons of the contactee, which both became eyewitnesses, too. "If you see these boys and their relation to their father, you just don´t get the impression that they are children of a dissimulator", Mack stated. He confirmed this impression in his latest book, "Passport to the Cosmos" (New York 1999, p. 42): "We were impressed with how well respected Carlos is by the townspeople of Tepoztlan for his integrity and truthfulness. They accept the authenticity of his sensational photographs because so many of them told us they have seen objects like the one he has photographed."

In an interview with the parents of Carlos Diaz, Hesemann learned that the contacts possibly begun already in his childhood. Carlos himself remembers in a first sighting when he was seven years old. He took his first UFO photo in 1979, when a luminous- egg-shaped object appeared near his parents home on four subsequent nights. His parents confirmed that he was already deeply interested in space when he still was a child. Furthermore, they became witnesses of several UFO sightings by themselves and don’t believe that it is a coincidence that they all happened in the presence of Carlos.

The photos and films Diaz took between 1981 and 1992 were already analysed by Prof. Quesada, but Hesemann decided to consult further experts in several countries. He delivered duplicates or prints from the 1981 photos to the following experts:

* Dr. Robert Nathan of NASA-JPL in Pasadena/CA, the father of computer-based image processing;
* Jim Dilettoso of the Village Labs in Tempe/AZ, a computer/special effects experts who worked for NASA and Hollywood;
* Bob Shell, editor of "Shutterbug" Magazine and former phototechnical consultant of the F.B.I.;
* Prof. Dr. Corrado Malanga of the University of Pisa;
* Prof. Manfred Kage of the "Institute for Scientific Photography" in Weissenstein/Germany and the University of Mannheim;
* Prof. Auguste Meessen, Physicist of the Catholic University of Louvain/Belgium.

Hesemann had deliberately chosen the only Diaz photo with clearly visible reference points and foreground data. The object on the picture appeared behind bushes and trees and a guardrail, its light is clearly reflected on the hub of Diaz´ car. As a forgery, it would have to be either a double exposure or a model in a miniature landscape with miniature trees. A computer-generated montage can be excluded, since this technology was not generally available in 1981. Furthermore, Diaz never had the money for expensive technique. Before Maussan gave him one, he was not even able to afford a simple amateur video camera. But still, this possibility was considered by the experts, too.

With the sole exemption of Prof. Nathan, a declared sceptic regarding UFOs, all consulted experts were convinced of the authenticity of the 1981 photo. Nathan stressed that he did not give the photo "any greater attention", since he was already sure that it can only be a model and that "careful measurements will either confirm or rule out this possibility, if someone wants to take the effort".

None of the other experts, which studied the photo for many hours and working days, both in extreme enlargement and at the computer, found any indication of a forgery. They all concluded that it was definitely a large object, 60 – 150 feet in diameter, appearing behind real trees and bushes. A careful study of the edges ruled out any possibility of a "photoshop" montage. The object must have moved upwards in a jerky way during exposure. The light it emitted, was unusual; it was coherent light, like the light of a laser.

Both, the luminous colors and the quality of the light of the object stunned the experts. The appearance of the craft confirms, according to the renowned physicist Prof. Auguste Meessen, a theory for the propulsion of classical, symmetric objects: "In order to produce electromagnetic waves which surrounds the object", Prof. Meessen explains, "they should be able to create standing waves with certain modes at certain regularly distributed areas where you have a higher intensity, ionising differently, so you could expect an observation like this would appear." Another high-level witness, the late Colonel Philip J. Corso, member of the National Security Council under President Eisenhower and head of the US Army Foreign Technology Desk who coordinated the technical exploitation of the Roswell wreckage for the Pentagon, was convinced of the authenticity of the photos, too: "These colours are part of the propulsion and navigation system", he stated on camera, "Diaz took these photos, but he could not know what this all means."

The first films impressed the experts even more. Only when Diaz presented new material in 1997, Jim Dilettoso was rather sceptic. Do they really show a large object –as the edge analysis indicated- or a small, suspended model? Only a film which showed clearly identifiable reference points and foreground data provided an answer. This film, taken in September 1993, shows the "Ship of Light" hovering behind a tree, slowly moving up and down. Since the branches of the tree partially covered the craft, they delivered an excellent indication of its position. Hesemann decided to investigate the film in a field study. He asked Diaz to take him to the site where he allegedly shot the footage. The investigator and his team measured the diameter of the tree, his distance to the camera, compared the zoom range of the camera and took comparative footage from the same perspective.

In the studio, brightening it up and using false colors to enhance the image on the original film, he was able to uncover details not visible when you just view it. They revealed that it was indeed the same tree, filmed from the very perspective Diaz had indicated. The tree was 345 feet away from the camera, had a diameter of 65 feet. Therefore the diameter of the craft must have been at least 60 feet.

Also a montage or a blue box effect could be ruled out. On the film, an interaction between the object and the tree is clearly visible. The tree vibrates, obviously touched by the energy field of the craft. It faintly illuminates branches and leaves of the tree. This film is real. And it is one of the best UFO films ever taken.

The physical characteristics of the Ship of Light and the information revealed by Diaz on his experience deeply impressed several of the consulted experts. According to Prof. James E. Hurtak, Founder of the "Academy for Future Sciences" in Los Gatos/CA, the Diaz material "will open a door to a whole new physics", a Physics of Light, "and shows us a new category of intelligence I would call bioplasmic, which is even beyond the extraterrestrial, which is using metallurgical or physical spacecraft... We see in the Carlos Diaz a whole new category of the UFO experience."

Thousands of eyewitnesses, radar observations, photos and films which stunned the experts and a contactee with a high degree of personal integrity – the Carlos Diaz experience can indeed be called one of the most important UFO contact cases in the history of the phenomenon. For this reason, the researchers investigated it as careful as possible – and waited seven years, until every aspect was put under scrutiny, before they published it. Never before so many international experts were consulted in the investigation of a UFO contact case. All researchers who met him were impressed by the honesty and sincerity of Carlos Diaz, an impression shared by his neighbours, his family, the mayor of Tepoztlan. Nobody in Tepoztlan ever questioned his experience since every second of the "Tepoztecos" has seen these objects, too.

The case will be one of the most important for the UFO research of the 21st century, because it goes far beyond sightings, contact and evidence. The Carlos Diaz experience indicates a direct connection to the ancient civilization of the Maya, one of the oldest and most mysterious cultures on the American continent. It gives us explanations about the propulsion and navigation of extraterrestrial craft. But in its center stands a message, which concerns all of us, an urgent call to save and protect life on Earth, which is endangered by us, to inherit our children a living planet. When we eventually learn to love and respect life, Diaz is convinced, a contact "with them" will be inevitable.

"SHIPS OF LIGHT" documents seven years of investigation in a fascinating two part video documentary.

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